
  • Tagify



    values Array of objects. Optional, add if you want to set initial values on load. Each object should have key: "value" and value: "your tagify value".
    styling Custom styling for Tagify. Object with CSS values. Visit here for tagify custom css:
    data-blacklist Blacklist tags you don't want to include. String with comma separated values.
    whitelist Array field. Whitelist tags that will be available in dropdown when the user starts typing.
    enforce-whitelist If set to boolean True, the Tagify will only accept whitelist tags.
    user-input Boolean value. Disable or Enable user input.
    readonly Boolean value. Enabling will disable modification to tag. Can also be set for each tag separately.
    disabled Boolean value. Enabling will disable tagify. Can also be set for each tag separately.
    placeholder Placeholder for the tagify input.


    change Triggered on every Tagify changes. The output is JSON string containing all tagify values.
    add Triggered when the tag is added to Tagify. The output is tag value (string).
    remove Triggered when the tag is removed from Tagify. The output is tag value (string).